Monday, November 1, 2021

My Top 5 News Sources

    The place I get news from the most often is Tik Tok. If there is nationwide news going on I will see it on Tik Tok first, like the Gabby Petito case or the BLM movement. I like using Tik Tok for news because there are always updates and many people reporting so there never seems to be a lack of information. I always make sure to fact-check things from Tik Tok and take everything said with a grain of salt because many people reporting these things have little previous training.

    The second place I get daily news from is Apple News. I enjoy this platform because it will give me a notification whenever there is breaking news. It is also very easy for me to use and navigate because it is built into my phone. 

    I often use CNN when staying up to date on current political news or national news that interests me. I find a lot of political news that I agree with from CNN, but I always keep in mind that it is left-biased, and it is important for me to do research on both sides of an issue. 

    I listen to NPR on the radio when I drive, especially with my parents. I enjoy being able to listen to the news in the car because it keeps me up to date on what’s happening, but I don’t have to take the time to research it myself. This is also a “center” news outlet so generally, things are less biased. 

    Lastly, I use Instagram for news. Many people I follow post news articles, movements,
or current issues on their stories. It is easy for me to read more, and I can follow the account the information is coming from to stay up to date. 

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